Welcome to Green Lanes Primary School
We are a 2 form entry Primary school situated in Hatfield with 420 pupils from Reception to Year 6.
Our values and aims are focused on 'Creating independent and resilient learners for life.' To achieve this, we have a research-based approach to everything that we do, ensuring that your child can thrive in an environment which supports and enables them to do the very best they can, helping them be independent and build their resilience. We know this approach works as not only do we follow up-to-date research and recommendations, but we also track the outcomes for your child both in their academic achievements and their wider development.
We have a therapeutic approach to learning and behaviour which enables your child to have a calm and purposeful learning experience. This means that classrooms are calm, purposeful and have high expectations both in learning and behaviour. We reduce sensory overload for staff and pupils and colours are calm, the lighting is soft, and the environments are welcoming. We have a therapeutic hub in the school called Banksy, where your child has access to a wealth of wellbeing support including a range of set programmes as well as a place to talk about anything that is worrying them. We have a school dog, Fizzy, a cockapoo who also supports children who display worries or anxieties.
The school has 14 classes which are named after famous artists, so children extend their knowledge of artists and their works. We have extensive technology to support your child's learning. This includes chromebooks in every classroom and access to the teachers' boards in the Google Classroom, in lessons and out of lessons, which means that you can see what your child is learning at any time and your child can use these to recap and help with their learning.
We have extensive grounds which include; a woodland, pond, sandpit, water play, climbing equipment, gym equipment, basketball & netball courts, astro-turf, gardening beds, trim trails as well as a large field area and construction area. We operate a high quality outdoor learning and playtime scheme which allows your child to climb trees, build dens as well as a range of other engaging and exciting play opportunities such as scooter riding and creative arts at lunchtime.
Academic results in all areas such as phonics and end of key stage tests are high at the school, due to the focus on high expectations and ambition for all our pupils, no matter their starting points.
Welcome to our school and our school community.
Michele Johnson