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Year 5: Hockney & Sanchez Class

Welcome to Year 5 Hockey and Year 5 Sanchez 

Welcome to Year 5!  The class teacher for Sanchez is Miss Bilsborough and in Hockney is Mr Hoffman. In Year 5 our teaching assistants are Mrs Hooper and Mrs Wiedenstreit, who will assist in both classes.  

In Year 5, we cover lots of themes that link to a range of other subjects, to make our learning exciting but also relevant to the world around us. For example we study properties and changes of materials, animals including humans, forces, earth and space and life cycles in Science. In History, we explore the Ancient Greeks in the autumn term, where we also have our immersive Greek Day making theatre masks, sampling traditional foods and practising for the Olympics. In addition to this, we look at the Mayans in the summer term. We also focus on map skills in Geography, locating continents and cities around the world and looking at different biomes. We even have a go at cooking different types of foods from other countries such as flatbreads and mezze bowls as part of our Design and Technology units. The Year 5 children really enjoy selecting work that they are proud of from the topics we have learnt about so far to put on our Proud Walls within our classrooms.

Please check our Google Classroom for any updates, and don’t hesitate to email us through the office if you have any questions.