Times Tables
At Green Lanes School we recognise the importance of all children recalling their times tables fluently and know that this is important for future success in mathematics when pupils move on to more complex mathematical ideas. Learning multiplication facts is a key part of maths education at our school.
Our aim is for all pupils, by the end of Year 4, to recall times tables to 12 x 12 without having to work them out. Older children then move onto concepts which expand on and apply this understanding, such as multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers and multiplication of fractions and decimals.
Our approach to the rapid recall of multiplication facts is called Green Lanes 144 Grids. This is a systematic and progressive learning approach which enables children to master recall of the times tables in a set order. This approach also ensures that children continue to recall previously learned times tables facts.
Once a week, children are assessed on their knowledge of the times table facts currently being learned using the 144 grids. Each 144 grid will also assess some of the times tables facts previously mastered. If they are able to answer all questions on their grid correctly, they move onto the next grid.
We recommend that children practise their rapid recall of times tables facts at home as well as in school. To support this we have provided links to all of the Green Lanes 144 Grids below. These can be printed out and used by your child at home.
Useful websites for practising times tables facts at home are:
Resources for times tables practise can also be found in the resources section of your child’s Google Classroom.