Headteacher's update
Welcome back to the new term at Green Lanes Primary and our new look newsletter and website.
The children have come back to school brilliantly. They are calm and beautifully behaved for the new term. Our whole school focus is 'Calm Classrooms' and everyone has been finding out about the right noise levels for learning. Ask your child to tell you about the 1-Silent snail, 2-Whisper whale, 3-Partner parrot and 4- Loud and proud lion. We know that a quiet classroom helps everyone focus.
We are working with educational instagrammer Jen Foster on a pilot of whole school journaling. This is based on the research that if we train the brain to focus and be mindful, then learning, wellbeing and behaviour is better. Already, children are telling us that the journaling parts of their day are their favourite.
Next week we have our 'open classrooms' this is a chance for your child to show you their classroom and for you to meet their class teachers. This is not a consultation but a hello and welcome to the classroom. Please click on this link to book your slot.
The GLSA will have their first event today as we welcome Riley and Kusama parents and children to the teddy bears picnic. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families who are joining us. Look out for details on upcoming GLSA events and AGM - all are welcome.
On Monday we will be launching our new Instagram and Facebook pages- these are intended as a way to keep you up to date on all the great things that we do at the school.
Why not pop along to our next parent cafe on Wednesday 18th September - meet the team - you can meet with myself, Claire Gibbins our deputy, Amy Russell our INCO and Maria Panter our family worker. The office team will also be available to help you if you are having difficulties with any apps or not sure of which apps you should have.