Headteacher's update
Thank you to all that visited us for our open classrooms last week. You would have seen our therapeutic classrooms which are set out with soft lighting and neutral colours. We have been invited to talk about this approach at a range of conferences as our research shows that this helps make classrooms calm and enable your child to focus better.
Thank you to the parents who have popped along to our parent cafes, which happen every Wednesday 9-9:45am. This week we chatted about how we teach phonics. Next week the parent cafe is a chat about a new parent research project. We have just finished collating the data on our last project, where children stopped using technology 2 hours before bedtime. The results showed overwhelmingly that reduced technology use increased children’s wellbeing and improved focus in class. Why not come along and find out how you can be involved in our next research project.
We really need your support in giving your child spare outdoor wellies or trainers that can be left in school. If you have spare wellies/footwear you can donate these in the front entrance. We really need your support in naming all clothing items as we already have a pile of lost property.
If you haven’t started following us on instagram or facebook please do so as we will be posting weekly news and videos on these forums.