Headteacher's update
Welcome to the first newsletter of 2025. The children have come back to the new term brilliantly, and we are working on our whole school focus on positive behaviour and positive relationships. This means knowing what great behaviour looks like and why it is good for helping us learn, but also positive relationships with others, being kind to others by what we say and do.
We have also welcomed two new teachers to the team; Mrs Kaleli Y5 Hockney and Miss Miner Y4 Picasso. They have really enjoyed meeting and working with the children.
The field has got really muddy and even though we encourage children to play adventurously, the field is now too muddy for anything other than wellies. We have a Welly donation point outside Y3 Moore class if you would like to donate any or choose any for your child.
We are also looking for donations of small world toys such as dinosaurs, cars, boats or transport toys, dolls or other figures and, of course, Lego is always popular too. So if you have any small world items, we would love to have these. Just donate via the main entrance. We would also like unwanted plastic items such as bowls or metal pans for our role play area. Thank you for all your donations so far.
We are presenting our research based approach at conferences and also have had lots of visitors looking at what we do at the school. Why not look at our website welcome video to see the unique and exciting research backed approach to learning that we focus on.
Next week our choir is going off to the O2 London Arena to take part in the 'Young Voices' concert where they join choirs from around the country to sing. This is an amazing experience for our children.
We will shortly be launching our new parent cafe so look out next week for the dates and themes.
Kind regards
Michele Johnson