Headteacher's update
Thank you to all that contributed to the parent questionnaire. We have collated and looked at your responses which were overwhelmingly positive about the school with 96% of you recommending us. Click on the link to see the responses in more detail. Click here to view the results.
Things that you liked:
You said that you particularly like that you felt we were approachable and friendly.
You like that we think about the learning environment for your child and offer them a great curriculum with great staff.
You like the research-based approach that we take.
Even Fizzy got a mention.
Things that you would like us to improve
You said that you would like clarity around how to communicate with us around other issues such as knowing how to report concerns such as bullying or other issues. We will also look at the best way to get communications to you and will be trying to use our instagram and facebook pages to send you reminders rather than long emails, so please sign up on up to our social media pages https://www.instagram.com/greenlanes_primary/.
With this in mind, we will be producing at a glance information pages so you know how to contact us, who to contact and how long it will take for us to reply to you.
We will be asking for your thoughts twice a year rather than once - so you can see that we listened and acted on your reviews.
Donations - we would love to have your donations of small world toys - so if you have dinosaurs, cars or figures, please think of us and just leave them in the main entrance. We are also looking for more pots & pans for our role-play area and if you have any links with builders - hardhats and hi-vis or plumbers - tap and pipes or carpet tubes. If you have any unused decorating brushes or rollers, the children love to play with these and also any large picture frames (no glass) as they love to frame their outdoor artwork. Lego is always welcome too. Remember the welly donation station is a great place to exchange or donate wellies.
If you have any donations that do not fit into the above categories, but you think we might use, just drop us a email at admin@greenlanes.herts.sch.uk.